Christ said : " You always have the poor with you" (Mt. 26 - 11). The Vincentian is at their service. He does not judge, he is available, as his time and resources permit.
Welcome to the humble web page of St. Jude’s conference, Society of St. Vincent de Paul. This conference is functioning in association with St. Vincent’s Forane Church, Kalpetta, Wynad Dt; Kerala, India.
Aim : Help the needy people. No work of charity is foreign to the Society. Assistance is essentially local. It is adapted according to the particular needs, places, and circumstances. Vincentians seek through prayer, meditation on scriptures and Church teachings, through their daily lives and in their relationship with those in need, to bear witness to the love of Christ. The Society does not attempt to convert the needy to Catholicism, nor does it limit its aid to Catholics. Vincentians, therefore strive to foster, to develop, and to favor all means by which the fundamental virtues of faith and charity can be kept alive within us and around us.
As you may be aware, Wynad is the remotest district of Kerala and most of the people are below poverty line. People migrated from different parts of the state in 1950s. Almost all are farmers and their crops depending up on monsoon and other changes in climate. The basic work of the society is visiting and relief the poor in their own homes. The society encourages and undertakes self - help and other welfare projects for the betterment and rehabilitation of the poor.
This page is to serve as an introduction and a small attempt to make you aware of the existence of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, here in Kalpetta.
How to contact us in the web : We very much appreciate your visit in this page. Please feel free to be a member of our e mail group, so that we can inform you about our various programmes well in time.
To know more aboutdepaulindia E group, Go to depaulindia !
To become a member of the group, please mail to
The mails are moderated just to ensure that no one will get any out of place messages. Please bear
with us. We will try to send a weekly report which covers the work of conference members in the previous week.
You can give your suggestions and help us by many ways such as:
Praying for the society, members, benefactors, beneficiaries : Most of the people need your prayer rather than any financial or physical help. Please read the prayer requests which we will send to you time to time.
By attending the meetings which are held at 9.30 am every Sunday : Please encourage us by your esteemed presence if possible. The venue is, conference hall of St. Vincent Church; Kalpetta.
Contributing your mite for the poor: You can be sure, what ever you give in the name of Jesus Christ will be accounted in heaven.
Funds are raised by
We, look forward for your early contact. Don’t you think that your visit to this particular page which is one among millions, is a graceful invitation of God ?
Our phone numbers :
You are always welcome to call us in the following numbers:
91 493 602238 ----- Parish priest, St Vincent Forane Church Kalpetta
91 493 603532 ----- Animator, De Paul Convent, Kalpetta
91 493 603266 ----- Spiritual advisor, De Paul School, Kalpetta
91 493 603532 ----- President, Central Council
91 493 603419 ----- President, St. Jude's Conference, Kalpetta
91 493 603907 ----- Secretary, St. Jude's Conference, Kalpetta
91 493 604327 ----- Treasurer , St. Jude's Conference, Kalpetta
91 493 602510 ----- Medical advisor of St. Jude's Conference, Kalpetta
Please e mail us at
Note: Kindly mention your complete name and address in all your correspondence. Any donations should be in A/C payee cheques or drafts drawn in favor of St. Jude’s Conference, Kalpetta, A/C no : 804 ; Federal Bank Ltd; Kalpetta Branch. Receipts will be issued to all contributions up on realisation of cheques / drafts. The postal address is:
St. Jude’s Conference,
St. Vincent de Paul Society,
Kalpetta, Kerala, 673 121
S. India.
" Take time to do charity, It’s the key to heaven"- Mother Teresa
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